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  • 30-Day Home Strength Workouts For Runners

30-Day Home Strength Workouts For Runners

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Whether you're running to lose weight or preparing for a marathon, all runners can benefit from strength training. With stronger muscles your body will be more efficient and you'll be able to run longer without cramping.

This article will cover some common questions about strength training for runners and provide you with a 30-day strength training workout that you can do from the comfort of your own home. It won't take a huge time commitment, but it will be challenging.

Woman workout in living room

Why Runners Should Do Strength Training

The number one benefit of strength training for runners is to reduce the potential for injury.

When runners incorporate strength training into their workouts they reduce their injury risk by achieving 3 main benefits: Muscle imbalance; muscle activation; and improved running efficiency. Let's take a closer look at each.

Muscle Imbalance

Each joint in your body uses muscles (or groups of muscles) to move the joint. Without breaking into an anatomy lesson, in order to extend and contract a joint such as the elbow, both the tricep and bicep must work against one another. 

The tricep and bicep are called opposing muscles since they're on each side of the joint and function to control the movement. 

If the bicep becomes stronger than the tricep then there's a muscle imbalance. The stronger bicep will become shorter and tighter, while the weaker tricep becomes longer and looser.

The stronger muscles (in this example the bicep) can pull the elbow out of position and force your body to adjust in order to compensate.

Now, think when this happens in your legs, and you can understand why strength training matters for runners.

Improves Muscle Activation

The term muscle activation is often used in the context of a warm-up. You warm-up in order to prepare your muscles for activity. 

Although, this is true, when it comes to strength training, muscle activation describes strengthening weaker muscles that may not be working as efficiently as they should.

By targeting and consciously activating the muscle, you'll be able to build a stronger connection between your nervous system and the muscle itself. The stronger connection means greater intensity and firing to the muscle.

Performing a 30-day strength workout will help improve your muscle activation so all of your muscles are "pulling their weight" during your run.

Improved Running Efficiency

If you want to improve your running efficiency, then you need to focus on your form.

When your running form is poor you'll never be able to reach your full potential. Strength training will help you get stronger so you can make improvements to the biomechanics of your form.

Lady doing kettlebell workout in garage

How Many Times a Week Should Runners Strength Train?

As a general rule, strength training twice a week is the best way to improve your running performance.

Most strength training recommendations is to train 2 to 3 times a week, but if you're a runner, twice a week will give you the best of both worlds.

You'll still be able to keep up with your running workouts, and you shouldn't feel tired or that you need to back off on your running. You should also notice an improvement in your running performance.

However, to get started, and because this isn't an "in-the-gym" type of strength training workout, you may want to do the 30-day strength training workout which is an every day activity. Don't worry, the exercises aren't too hard, but you will notice a difference and see results!

Once finished with the 30-day strength training you can settle into twice a week weight workouts.

Should You Use Weights?

If you're new to strength training, it's recommended to only use your body weight for these exercises.

Keep in mind, if you add weights too quickly, you could injure yourself. Once you can perform the exercises in good form, you can add light weights and build from there.

Never force yourself to use weights that are heavier than you're ready for, as you'll be setting yourself up for an injury.

Can I Still Run While Doing the 30-Day Plan?

Absolutely, in fact you should be running when you're doing the 30-day home strength workout plan. 

You'll be doing the strength workout everyday, and you'll want to pay attention that you're not pushing your body to burn out. So it's a good idea to alternate between long-distance and short-distance runs. But as with any training, be sure to listen to your body.

If your body isn't feeling up to running, then don't force yourself. When your body wants to rest, it's important to listen.

Lady doing a kettlebell workout

30-Day Home Strength Workout Guide

This guide will take you through the 30-day home strength workout. Go through the workout following the number of reps for each exercise. 

If the workout is too hard, cut back on the reps. As an example, instead of doing 30 reverse lunges, do 15 and work up to 30.

Once you have finished with each of the exercises, you can go through and do them a second time. Keep in mind that when you're finished you should feel like you worked out. You should not be exhausted. 

Days 1 through 7

Day 1

  • 30 Squats
  • 20 Push-ups
  • 30 Jumping Jacks
  • 30-Second Planks
  • 30 Reverse Lunges

Day 2

  • 45 High Knees
  • 15 Curtsy Lunges per leg (30 total)
  • 20 Shoulder Taps
  • 15-Second Side Plank
  • 30 Forward Lunges

Day 3

  • 30 Butt Kicks
  • 30 Side Lunges
  • 30 Squats
  • 30 Crunches
  • 20 Push-ups

Day 4

  • 25 Tricep Dips
  • 15 Side-Lying Leg Lifts per leg (30 total)
  • 30 Russian Twists
  • 30 Jump Lunges
  • 25 Hip Thrusts

Day 5

  • 20 Superman Pulls
  • 10 Fire Hydrants per leg (20 total)
  • 30 Leg Windscreen Wipers
  • 20 Single-Leg Squats
  • 15 Skaters per leg (30 total)

Day 6

  • 45 High Knees
  • 30 Sump Squats
  • 15 Donkey Kicks per leg (30 total)
  • 30 Lying Down Toe Taps
  • 25 Hip Thrusts

Day 7

  • 35 Jumping Jacks
  • 45-Second Plank
  • 35 Squats
  • 30 Wall Sit Squats
  • 30 Leg Lifts
Woman doing squats

Days 8 through 14

Day 8

  • 50 Crunches
  • 40 Side Lunges
  • 30 Russian Twists
  • 20 Curtsy Lunges per leg (40 total)
  • 30 Hip Thrusts

Day 9

  • 30 Leg Raises
  • 30 Crunches
  • 35 Squat Jacks
  • 15 Fire Hydrants per leg (30 total)
  • 20 Burpees

Day 10

  • 35 Skaters
  • 35 Tricep Dips
  • 35 Jump Lunges
  • 45 High Knees
  • 30 Leg Lifts

Day 11

  • 30 Russian Twists
  • 30 Shoulder Taps
  • 15 Donkey Kicks per leg (30 total)
  • 30 Side-Lying Leg Lifts
  • 15 Single-Leg Squats per leg (30 total)

Day 12

  • 30 V-Sit Crunches
  • 30 Sumo Squats
  • 30 Push-ups
  • 40 Jumping Jacks
  • 15 Forward Lunges per leg (30 total)

Day 13

  • 30 Lying Down Toe Taps
  • 30 Tricep Dips
  • 45-Second Plank
  • 30 Squats and Kickbacks
  • 30 Knees to Standing

Day 14

  • 30 Leg Windscreen Wipers
  • 30 Bicycle Crunches
  • 15 Side-Lying Leg Lifts per leg (30 total)
  • 30 Hip Thrusts
  • 15 Squats with Knee Drives per leg (30 total)
Man doing side planks

Days 15 through 21

Day 15

  • 30 Scissors
  • 35 Superman Pulls
  • 45 High Knees
  • 20 Donkey Kicks per leg (40 total)
  • 40 Squats

Day 16

  • 40 Shoulder Taps
  • 40 V-Sit Crunches
  • 40 Knees to Standing
  • 45 Curtsy Lunges
  • 20 Fire Hydrants per leg (40 total)

Day 17

  • 40 Leg Raises
  • 40 Tricep Dips
  • 40 Squat Jacks
  • 40 Jumping Jacks
  • 40 Hip Thrusts

Day 18

  • 40 Bicycle Crunches
  • 40 Skaters
  • 50-Second Plank
  • 20 Donkey Kicks per leg (40 total)
  • 40 Jump Lunges

Day 19

  • 45-Second Wall Sit
  • 40 Butt Kicks
  • 20 Single-Leg Squats per leg (40 total)
  • 40 V-Sit Crunches
  • 40 Crunches

Day 20

  • 40 Russian Twists
  • 40 Sumo Squats
  • 20-Second Side Plank (each side)
  • 40 Forward Lunges
  • 40 Leg Windscreen Wipers

Day 21

  • 40 Burpees
  • 20 Squats and Knee Drives per leg (40 total)
  • 40 High Knees
  • 40 Legs Raises
  • 40 Hip Thrusts
Man doing sit-ups

Days 22 through 30

Day 22

  • 40 Scissors
  • 40 Jumping Jacks
  • 40 Jump Squats
  • 20 Donkey Kicks per leg (40 total)
  • 40 Shoulder Taps

Day 23

  • 40 Lying Down Toe Taps
  • 40 Knees to Standing
  • 40 Superman Pulls
  • 45 Squats
  • 45 Reverse Lunges

Day 24

  • 40 Push-ups
  • 45 High Knees
  • 40 Curtsy Lunges
  • 40 Hip Thrusts
  • 20-Second Side Plank (each side)

Day 25

  • 40 V-Sit Crunches
  • 45-Second Plank
  • 40 Bicycle Crunches
  • 40 Squat Jacks
  • 45-Second Wall Sit

Day 26

  • 40 Leg Raises
  • 40 Jump Lunges
  • 40 Tricep Dips
  • 40 Burpees
  • 40 Side Lunges

Day 27

  • 40 Skaters
  • 20 Single-Leg Squats (40 total)
  • 40 Push-ups
  • 20 Single-Leg Glute Bridges per leg (40 total)
  • 40 Russian Twists

Day 28

  • 40 Jumping Jacks
  • 40 Sumo Squats
  • 20 Fire Hydrants per leg (40 total)
  • 40 Shoulder Taps
  • 20 Side-Lying Leg Lifts per leg (40 total)

Day 29

  • 45-Second Plank
  • 40 Hip Thrusts
  • 20 Squats with Knee Drives per leg (40 total)
  • 40-Second Wall Sit
  • 40 Superman Pulls

Day 30

  • 40 High Knees
  • 40 Jump Squats
  • 40 Press-ups
  • 20 Single-Leg Glute Bridges per leg (40 total)
  • 40 Scissors

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