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8 Tips To Help You To Run For Longer Without Feeling Fatigue Or Tiredness

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If you want to get better at running, then it is vital that you boost your stamina and endurance. These skills are extremely important to hone. However, they are definitely not easy. 

8 Tips To Help You To Run For Longer Without Feeling Fatigue Or Tiredness

To some, this may feel like an unachievable goal, and it causes them to lose motivation and give up.

However, with some patience, persistence, and patience, running for longer periods of time can definitely be achieved. 

So, in this article, we will discuss eight ways that you can run for longer periods of time without getting tired, and more!

So, if this is of interest to you, read on for more!

What Are The Most Common Reasons For Tiredness When Running?

Before we can get into our tips for running for longer without getting tired, we must first check out why we get tired while running in the first place. 

Of course, it is very common to feel short bursts of fatigue and tiredness, both while running and in between your runs.

This is especially true of runs that have been particularly demanding or long. 

Sometimes, your legs may start to ache and feel heavy when running, or you may feel like you are struggling to breathe.

So, it is always good to check out the reasons for these symptoms in order to try and reduce them. 

Here are the most common reasons for fatigue and tiredness while running:

  • Poor nutrition 
  • Insufficient recover time between runs 
  • Insufficient sleep 
  • Anxiety and stress 
  • Insufficient intake of fuel 
  • Iron deficiency 
  • Imbalance in hormones 

If you experience fatigue and tiredness on a regular basis, then we suggest you speak to a doctor or medical professional who will be able to help you identify the problem and find a solution.

There will be a variety of tests that can determine any underlying causes that may cause your fatigue and tiredness. For example, a blood test. 

Is There A Way To Run Without Feeling Tiredness Or Fatigue?

Yes, there is, in fact, a way to run without feeling tiredness or fatigue. To do so, you will need to build up your stamina and endurance. 

Stamina and endurance are what allow you to maintain your energy levels to run for longer periods of time. In order to increase these two skills, you will need consistency! 

More specifically, you will need to train consistently and make a habit out of running regularly. You will also need to progress your running and regular intervals. 

Consistent training will help you to improve on your aerobic capacity, also called your running economy or VO2 max, and strengthens your muscles. 

Additionally, if you exercise continuously at both low and high levels of intensity, then you will begin to feel the benefits of this during your running performance. 

If you are consistent with your training then you will see improvements in your endurance and stamina within two to three months. 

Is There A Way To Run Faster Without Feeling Fatigue Or Tiredness?

Once you get your fitness to a decent base level, then you can look to improve your speed while running.

Much like interval training, speed training will also help improve your stamina and endurance, as well as your speed. 

It is a great idea to train at varying levels of intensity, because this best replicates the training method used to increase the endurance performance of those partaking in competitive events.

A great example of this is interval training! 

Interval training is the term used to describe a type of training that has differing periods of high-intensity training and low-intensity training. 

High-intensity training can look like sprinting or fast running, while low-intensity training can look like walking or slow running.

Interval training sessions can last anywhere from five minutes to half an hour. 

Let’s check out this example of an interval training plan! 

  • First, you will need to warm up. Do this by walking for around two to three minutes. 
  • After this, you should run for around ten minutes, making sure you are running at a pace that is comfortable for you. 
  • Then, pick up your face and run for 6 intervals of 2 minutes. You must ensure that you follow every interval with a minute of walking, followed again by a minute of jogging. This is to ensure that you are able to catch your breath and recover properly before you start running again. 
  • Next, you need to cool down. Do so by running at a pace comfortable for you. Once you have established this, you will need to run for five minutes, followed by a walk for three minutes. 

If you want to improve your speed when running, then you must remember that speed comes after endurance.

To put it another way, if you focus on increasing your endurance and stamina this will help when it comes to focusing on your speed.

So, you should always focus on those two skills first. 

Training Plan For Stamina And Endurance When Running 

8 Tips To Help You To Run For Longer Without Feeling Fatigue Or Tiredness

Let’s check out this training plan for stamina and endurance when running! 

First of all, you will need to increase the number of runs you do each week. It is best to add easy runs first, then long runs, before moving on to interval training.

It may also be beneficial to include speed training in this training plan, which will also help your running performance. 

Let’s check out the plan in further detail! 

Weeks 1-4 

  • Three to four easy runs in the week that should last for a minimum of thirty minutes 
  • One long run in the week that should last for four to twenty-five miles. The distance you run during a long run will depend on the event you are training for. 

Weeks 5-10

  • Three to four easy runs in the week that should last for a minimum of thirty minutes 
  • One long run in the week that should last for four to twenty-five miles. The distance you run during a long run will depend on the event you are training for. 
  • One or two sessions of interval training in the week.
  • One session of strength training in the week.

If you are training for a marathon or a half marathon, then your training plan will aim to increase the distance you run gradually throughout the weekly training.

Eventually, your running time should increase by around five to ten minutes. Alternatively, it can increase by adding 0.5 miles to 1 mile every time. 

It is also helpful to run at a pace where you will be able to hold a conversation. Check to see if you can hold a conversation here without getting out of breath.

If you can, this is a good sign and you should keep going! 

It is important to note that many runners will attempt to finish a long run far too quickly, and will struggle towards the end of the run as a result.

Worse, they could potentially injure themselves because they are not yet equipped with the right skill set to be able to run like that.

So, you must always remember to pace yourself, and always remember that improving your speed can only happen when your endurance and stamina have improved. 

It is vital that you work on a solid endurance foundation before attempting interval training, so you must never skip out on or try to rush the first few weeks of your training plan. 

8 Ways To Reduce Fatigue And Tiredness When Running 

Now that we have looked at the reasons why people get tired when running and checked out a running training plan to improve their endurance, stamina, and speed, let’s check out our 8 tips for reducing fatigue and tiredness when running!

1. Warming Up Is Essential 

Warming up is an extremely important part of any race, no matter the distance or type of race you will be running.

Warm-ups let your brain know that you are about to do some intense exercise, so it will prepare your muscles to work in the most efficient way they can. 

The most important thing to remember about a warm-up is this: They are there to help you prevent injury, increase your heart rate, and get the blood flowing, especially to your muscles. 

Warm-ups should not leave you feeling tired, quite the opposite.

You should feel energized after a warm-up, but it is important not to push yourself too hard, especially before a big race because you risk not performing as well or accidentally causing yourself an injury. 

There will be a different sequence of warm-ups to try depending on how long your race is, what your running experience is, and what your fitness levels are. 

Generally, a warm-up will consist of two halves: joining for your heart rate and stretches so your muscles can be loosened.

As an option, you can also choose to incorporate running drills into your warm-up routine. 

Here are some great examples of both running drills and stretches that would be great to do before you start running. 

Warm-Up Stretches 

  • Fast feet 
  • Side shuffles 
  • Hamstring sweep 
  • High skips 
  • Leg swings 

Running Drills 

  • High knees 
  • Butt kicks 
  • Carioca drill 
  • Straight leg bounds 
  • A-skips and B-skips 

2. Remember To Pace Yourself 

8 Tips To Help You To Run For Longer Without Feeling Fatigue Or Tiredness

One of the main difficulties of long runs is pacing. Namely, running too fast too quickly and then tiring yourself out.

When learning how to run without experiencing tiredness or fatigue, you cannot run too fast, but you also cannot run too slow.

You will need to learn how to pace yourself to ensure you hit a good balance between both. 

Pacing is an experiment. The more often you go running, the better you will be at assessing your running pace and deciding whether you need to slow down or speed up. 

It is important to note that many people will run faster at the start of a run because they feel fresher. It is best to avoid doing this. 

Also, it is good to note that your effort and your pace will change depending on the distance of your run.

Remember the first mile will always feel the worst because your body is still adjusting to movement, so it is important not to allow your effort or pace to change during this time. 

The best way to find out your ideal pace is to use a pace calculator. Simply type in two figures out of pace, distance, or time, and the pace calculator will work out your ideal running pace. 

3. Do Not Forget Strength Training 

Runners never think of strength training when trying to boost their energy and not feel fatigued during a run.

However, it is extremely effective! Strength training will make you faster, as well as stronger. It also helps to prevent many injuries you may experience while running

The best thing to do to make the most out of your strength training is to make it as simple as possible. You should aim to target every muscle group that is used for running. 

For example:

  • Reverse lunges
  • Tricep dips 
  • Russian Twists
  • Kneel to stands 
  • Single-leg glute bridges 
  • Press-ups 
  • Squats 
  • Planks 

You can complete three sets of twelve to fifteen reps for the respective exercises, and hold the plank for around thirty to forty-five seconds. It is important to rest between every set. 

4. Your Body Knows Best 

Your body knows best, so it is important to listen to it. You need plenty of mental and physical stamina to boost your endurance.

So, it is often the case that people begin to struggle on their long runs. Sometimes, it is a good idea to push through. 

However, it is vital that oftentimes, you take a moment to listen to what your body is trying to say to you. 

It can be extremely easy, and it is often the case that runners get carried away and begin running far too often.

Now, getting excited and feeling motivated to go running often is excellent.

However, in the long-term, overtraining has more negative effects on running performance than positive, so it is best avoided.

However, this is easier said than done. So it is a good idea to find a way to stop overtraining. A good way to do this is by partaking in mindful running.

This is where you are consciously more connected mnetally to your movements, and do not get distracted by your environment when you are running. 

To help with this, it is best to take note of how running really feels by switching your music off. This makes it a lot easier for you to assess your body.

For example, you will recognize that you need to slow down if your legs are trembling.

And, if you start to feel a strange feeling of discomfort you know you may be injured, so it is best to take a break and give your body a moment to recover, or stop altogether. 

It is best to practice mindful running when running alone. You do not have to do it every time you run, once a week will be sufficient. 

5. Give Your Body The Fuel It Needs 

You need to give your body the fuel it needs, and this will change as your mileage changes.

As well as training, your muscles need fuel so you can continue to feel energized while running a longer run. 

Without the correct amount of fuel, your performance begins to suffer and this can potentially cause you an injury, have a negative effect on your immune system, etc. 

So, if you enjoy a run in the morning, then you need to eat adequately when you get up.

This does not mean you need to eat a huge meal, but you do need to eat enough to feel energized. 

Foods To Eat Before Your Run 

Here are some great food options to eat before you start your run:

  • Avocado toast
  • Banana and peanut butter 
  • Jam on toast 
  • Egg on toast (hard-boiled) 
  • Granola and yoghourt 

Here, the aim is to get enough glucose, fats, carbs, and protein into your body.

However, please note that what you eat will depend on how long you have before your run needs to start.

For example, if you half less than half hour before you need to run, then your meal should be rich in carbs.

If you have over an hour before you need to run, then feel free to focus on fats and protein, as well as carbs. 

Food To Eat After Your Run 

Just as it is important to eat good food before you run, you must also consider how to fuel your body after your run.

A great post-run meal will optimize your muscle repair and recovery. 

So, after you finish your run, you should aim to eat every two hours and include the following foods: 

  • Fats (make them healthy fats, like salmon, nuts, or avocado)
  • Vegetables 
  • Fruit 
  • A treat, like a chocolate milkshake!

6. Load Up On Carbs 

8 Tips To Help You To Run For Longer Without Feeling Fatigue Or Tiredness

Leading from the aforementioned point, carbs are a vital part of your diet plan if you want to run for longer periods of time without feeling fatigue or tiredness. So, it is a good idea to partake in carb loading. 

This is when you provide your body with energy reserves so you can run for longer.

If your run is going to be an hour and a half or longer, then carb running will be extremely useful. It is ideal to start it around six days before you go running. 

You should aim to include around one to three more servings of carbs than you usually would. 

Here are some examples of the best carbs to eat: 

  • Porridge 
  • Bread 
  • Pasta 
  • Energy bars 
  • Baked potatoes 
  • Wholegrain rice 
  • Peanut butter 
  • Pancakes 

Don’t forget – you still need to eat your veggies! 

7. Hydration Is Vital 

Staying hydrated means replacing any fluids you lost through sweating. It will also prevent you from feeling dehydrated, which has the potential to cause injury.

Staying hydrated will also stop you from getting muscle cramps and will work to prevent tiredness. So, it is safe to say staying hydrated is pretty important. 

There is an easy way to tell if you are dehydrated or not. Simply check the color of your urine. For example: 

  • Pale yellow urine: Hydrated! 
  • Dark yellow / brown: more water needed

It is best to drink one glass of water before you begin running, and it may be a good idea to have a sports drink too. Drink plenty of water after your run, too. 

8. Consistency Is Vital

To run for longer periods of time without feeling fatigue or tiredness, you need to be consistent. 

This means running on a regular basis. Of course, life can send you obstacles and it can be hard to find the time to run. 

However, this is why a training plan is beneficial.

It provides you with a routine that you can easily incorporate into your life and makes it easier to stay on track so you can build-up your endurance and stamina. 

Final Thoughts 

It can be difficult to reduce feelings of fatigue or tiredness when running.

However, if you follow these tips carefully, then you are almost guaranteed to make great progress towards your goal!

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